
David: Samuel is Called

David: A Man of Faith and Flaws
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David: A Man of Faith & Flaws

Week 1: Samuel is Called

In this captivating sermon “David: Week 1”, part of the series “David: A Man of Faith & Flaws”, Pastor Larry Coulter aimed to emphasize the importance of the Old Testament and the life of David. The sermon commenced with a call to love our neighbors, following which Pastor Coulter unpacked the story of Samuel to set the stage for understanding David’s context. He urges the congregation to complement the sermon series by personally studying a prescribed reading list and exploring the present-day situation in Israel. The central message of “David: Week 1” was derived from 1 Samuel Chapter 3, which narrates Samuel’s initial encounters with God.

Through this, Pastor Coulter highlighted the importance of being receptive to God’s messages and the power of praying, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening,” during moments of divine communication. Utilizing Samuel’s story, Pastor Coulter derived three key lessons —

1)the danger of mindless religious rituals 2) The problem of recognizing God’s voice without prior spiritual attentiveness 3) the value of a mentor in spiritual growth.

Moreover, Pastor Coulter underscored the key role night awakenings could potentially play in forging a deeper connection with God. Referencing the personal insights of Tish Warren, an Anglican pastor, he suggested replicating Samuel’s prayer during those quiet moments. Transitioning to the repercussions faced by the high priest Eli and his family due to his sons’ actions, Pastor Coulter emphasized accepting God’s judgment and authority. As he concluded the sermon, the pastor reiterated the importance of attentiveness to God’s voice and urged believers to seek divine guidance, especially during night wake-ups. He eventually spurred his congregation to embrace more open communication with God in their everyday lives.

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____ One Another Sermon Series