Lakeway Church Missions
We have a myriad of opportunities to serve in our local community or around the city of Austin like BLESSing your neighbor, working in Garden 9:10, distributing food to those in need, or caring for victims of sex trafficking.

The Refuge – projects & collection drives
The Refuge periodically needs volunteers to help with various on-site work projects and to support its ongoing collection drives to benefit the girls and their care team.

Literacy Partners
Perform a service that will last a lifetime.

Garden Ministry
Serve weekly in the Garden

Serve Near
- B.L.E.S.S. Love your neighbor by beginning to pray for them, listening to their story, eating with them, finding ways to serve them, and sharing your story
- Garden 9:10: Help with gardening, packaging, distributing fresh produce to those in need
- Partners in Hope: Monthly community workdays, monthly dinners, meal delivery, relational ministry training, special work projects with those in need
- Lake Travis Crisis Ministries: Food pickup/delivery
- Helping Hand of Spicewood Crisis Ministry: Food distribution and packaging
- Literacy Partners: Read with children!
- Luke 4:18: Work with the homeless or those in poverty in Central Austin
- Texas Reach Out Ministry: Spiritual development for those coming out of the prison system
- God of Hope Ministries: Pen Pal program for those in prison
- TruCare Pregnancy Center: Serve in the resource center sorting, cleaning, and prepping
- The Refuge: Periodic work projects on site to support victims of sex trafficking
- East Austin Food Distribution: Help distribute food into cars for those in need
- Crisis Response Team: Help those in the community with emergency needs, ongoing shepherding,